Tag Archives: ‘video’

WordCamp Video Highlight 2018/08/31

If you do a search for Netcast (Video / Audio Podcast) About WordPress, you will see literally hundreds of options to choose from. I have been a fan of netcast for years and have my favorites that I watch or listen to each week.

The videos below explain the advantages of having video and audio content.

Florian Gottschall: Learn why and how to create and use video for your WordPress blog/website


In my workshop I showcase the importance of online video with up to date statistics from main influencers. Based on this background I showcase how you can use video in your own WordPress installation from different sources. I also provide an overview about advantages or disadvantages for each source. As an interactive part I create a video live on stage.

Missy Sorg: Using WordPress for Podcasting


When podcasting became a thing over a decade ago, there weren’t many options for distribution. In order to share our podcasts, we needed to develop a home for them – somewhere where people could find us online that was easier to work with than simple listing sites like TalkShoe or iTunes. That’s why we took advantage of resources we were familiar with – specifically WordPress. We have individual websites for our in-house podcasts – as well as a network page which is home to our growing catalog of Pittsburgh podcasts. I’ll show you how we’ve been able to do that and how you can do it, too.

Slides for this presentation can be found HERE.

For more WordCamp Videos go to WordPress.tv.


WordPress Community Interview With Isabelle Garcia

Isabelle Garcia is a front-end web developer and social media geek. She is a “Digital Nomad” and travels the world working remotely. She has no fixed base, no office. Isabelle likes to frequent local libraries, not to borrow books but to take advantage of the quiet atmosphere. While other digital nomads meet at coffee shops or co-working spaces, she likes to spend entire days and even weekends in the common areas and desks of public libraries.

When I first contacted Isabelle, she was starting a new adventure she called #WCAsiaRoadTrip. She was going to spend 2 or 3 months traveling through Asia and attend WordCamps at Udaipur, Pune and Bangkok.

Isabelle records video interviews at WordCamps which she then uploads to YouTube. She uses the VINUBIS Video Editor Plugin to edit her videos.

She likes to give back to the WordPress Community by taking part in Translation events with the Polyglots Team.


You can see some of her WordPress TV videos HERE.

WordPress Community Interview With Troy Dean

Troy Dean had submitted a testimonial video to WordPress TV a few weeks ago. I thought it was very well done and interesting, so I did a C&C (contact and connect) and the result is the video interview below.

Troy resides in Melbourne, Australia and is the Director of Cool and co-founder at Video User Manuals Pty Ltd. Video User Manual is a video tutorial plug-in to teach clients how to use WordPress. He is also co-founded WP Elevation, the world’s first business accelerator program for WordPress consultants. He is a regular speaker at WordCamps.

Troy talks about the WordPress Community and gives tips for first time speakers. We also discuss issues facing the volunteers at WordCamps who are setting up video cameras to record sessions.


For more WordPress Community Interviews click HERE.

Spotlight: WordCamp Miami 2016

WordCamp Miami helped kick off the 2016 WordCamp season with sunny skies and great presentations on how to take your WordPress site to the next level. You can see all the WordCamp Miami sessions here, but below are a few that stood out for us.

Rachel Carden: Tools and Techniques for Evaluating Accessibility

When your website is accessible, all users can access your content no matter their abilities. Visually-impaired users can visit your website using a screen reader. Those who can’t use the mouse can navigate your site using a keyboard or other input device. Some accessibility features might also improve your SEO. When your site is inaccessible, research shows you could be excluding up to 20 percent of your users. This talk for all skill levels will review tools and techniques you can use to test and improve your site’s accessibility.

Presentation Slides


Kids WordPress Panel Discussion

Kids talking about WordPress and blogging at WordCamp Miami 2016.



Developing for WordPress with Pippin Williamson and Danilo Ercoli

Pippin Williamson: Ask Me Anything About Plugins

Pippin is a prolific plugin developer and founder of several successful commercial WordPress plugin projects. This session is a Q&A style format where the audience asked question related to plugin development, the WordPress.org plugins directory, selling plugins, building a development team, and anything else related to plugins.

More from WordCamp San Diego 2016


Danilo Ercoli: Migliorare le performance di WordPress con il caching e l’esecuzione differita di codice

Questo talk è rivolto sia a chi ha appena iniziato a sviluppare con WordPress, sia agli sviluppatori più esperti che lo conoscono già da parecchio tempo, ed è un’introduzione ad alcuni argomenti come il caching e l’esecuzione differita di codice PHP, che sono utili per migliorare notevolmente le performance del tuo sito. Alcuni degli argomenti trattati sono il corretto utilizzo della cache e dei plugin di caching. Un’introduzione al WordPress Jobs System, e come eseguire codice differito senza dover quindi rallentare il rendering della pagina.

Presentation Slides

More from WordCamp Torino 2016

Captioning and Subtitling WordPress.tv Videos

Looking for a way to contribute to WordPress.tv? We’re excited to announce that you can now help caption and subtitle WordPress.tv videos with Amara. If you don’t have an account, sign up at Amara.org — doing so allows you to save your subtitles in the middle of the process and resume later where you left off.

Steps to caption and subtitle videos:

Select a video’s download link.

 To the right of every video on WordPress.tv, you’ll see a list of details. Under Download, choose the Med link next to the MP4 option.

MED download link


Meet the Moderators: Phil Erb

In the last posts, we chatted with Chandra Maharzan and Jerry Bates, two moderators at WordPress.tv. We’d like to introduce a third volunteer on this team. Everyone, meet Phil Erb.


Meet the Moderators: Chandra Maharzan

In last week’s post, we talked to Jerry Bates, one of the moderators at WordPress.tv. Let’s continue our “Meet the Moderators” Q&A series with another member of this team, hailing all the way from Nepal: Chandra Maharzan.


Meet the Moderators: Jerry Bates

There are so many great videos created at WordCamps and WordPress meetups around the world. As mentioned in December, 441 WordCamp videos were published to WordPress.tv by the end of 2012! We want to ensure these talks, presentations, and tutorials are shared with as many people as possible.

So, we’re very excited about the new team of WordPress.tv moderators. We formed a team of volunteers to review and approve the video content uploaded to WordPress.tv to ensure accuracy and quality, and to moderate comments and engage with the community.

Here on the WordPress.tv blog, we’d like to introduce you to these moderators in a Q&A post series. These moderators are WordPress enthusiasts — just like many of you out there — and we want to share their stories about how they got involved with WordPress.

First up in our Q&A series? Jerry Bates.
